Shambhala In Photo’s By: Arron Leppard

Hi! I’m Arron, a travel and lifestyle photographer from London, England. Being a huge festival fan and attending the likes of the Oregon Eclipse, Burning Man, CRSSD, Desert Hearts and LIB across the USA in the last year, I felt it was time to try photographing one again! I recently met the amazing Roco from Betty & Kora, who offered me a media pass to shoot my first ever Shambhala for them! Naturally, that wasn’t the only logistic that needed figuring out, but after being offered a truck to borrow by someone we’d met barely 20 seconds before (I’m not even kidding – THANK YOU ROB!), we couldn’t NOT make it happen!

Honestly, Shambhala had been hyped up so much by so many people, but I still wasn’t sure what to expect. I heard about the river, I heard about the stages, but I still didn’t really know what I was getting involved in. Just that it was supposed to be AMAZING. Was it?

Once I adjusted to just chilling during the day, which I’m not used to doing at a festival, the beauty of the festival really grabbed me! The vibe of Shambhala really is something else – it’s unpretentious. Everyone is truly just there for a good time. The thing that REALLY grabbed me though were the stages – Fractal Forest, are you serious?! I spent much of my time there, so sad that I couldn’t photograph there, but at the same time, I feel so honored to just be able to experience it! I loved just walking around between the stages to see what else was going on, given everything is so close together. A huge thanks to my Fancy Unicorns crew for letting me jump on board with them.

Would I go again? In a heartbeat – especially now knowing what to fully expect! I hope you enjoy my photos, it’s a small glimpse into the magic that is Shambhala through my humble lense.

Lots of love,

Arron Leppard

PS Tix are already on sale for Shambhala 2019 #LETSDOTHIS

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